Welcome to Child Therapy Needs

Child Therapy Needs is one of the unique pediatric therapy centers in Delhi. Here, we believe in taking a family-centered approach to ensure a child reaches his or her maximum potential. CTN specializes in offering the following services:

  • Evaluations
  • Treatment
  • Screenings

We offer speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and ABA therapy (Applied Behavior Analysis) tailored to meet the requirements of each child. These are administered to children in a fun and rewarding manner under the guidance of experienced therapists.

Child Therapy Needs Center holds years of experience and expertise in providing personal services to children with autism and other disabilities. We also take care of their parents and offer them advice and training to make sure they understand their child’s needs and contribute to their overall development.

Our therapists in Delhi will use a wide range of proven methodologies and techniques to attend to the specific needs of each child. We understand that each child is different and should be handled in a unique way. As professionals, we are committed to providing the most efficient techniques to children to develop their potential and help them lead a meaningful and successful life.

Our Services

Occupational Therapy

We offer an occupational therapy program for children with special needs. These are aimed at gaining independence in all facets of one’s life. The therapy includes the development of the following skills: cognitive skills, sensory-processing deficits, fine motor skills, and visual-perceptual skills. These are important for a child to play, learn, and do appropriate age-related activities.

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Speech Therapy

Our speech and language program is designed under the guidance of trained and experienced professionals. The therapy caters to children with speech and communication disorders. We determine the exact approach depending on the disorder. The program’s content and design may differ according to the child’s age, challenges, and needs.

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Special Education

Special education is designed to incorporate an organized way of teaching unique ideas. The program is devised only after closely assessing the style of the learner. The therapist will understand the auditory, visual, kinesthetic, or tactile senses of a child. This medium offers each child the opportunity to study and excel in the field of academics.

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Early Intervention

We believe that an early intervention program can help children overcome obstacles, including developmental delays. These programs are devised under the guidance of trained professionals with relevant experience in extending the needed support to children and their families. The early intervention programs cater to infants and toddlers (ages 0–3).

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Vocational Training

We offer training to help children develop a vocational skill set that extends beyond manual labor and trade expertise. The training module helps to develop special academic aptitudes to excel in the multidimensional job landscape. The training equips them adequately with the fundamental skills to join the workforce.

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Meet Our Founder

Founder Aastha Bhatia

Aastha Bhattia works for special needs advocacy and has around a decade of experience. She has a graduation in human development, a master's in psychology, and a bachelor's in special education from Delhi University. After which, she got associated with renowned schools like Springdale's Pusa Road and Sanskriti School in Chanakyapuri. She gained knowledge by working in various clinics through hands-on practice. She has set up departments at various institutes with workshops and various awareness programs.

She has also done courses in learning disabilities, floor time therapy, behavior therapy, and jolly phonics to develop intervention plans. She works very closely with mainstream classrooms to build the curriculum and IEP that best suit the development of the child.

She makes intervention plans with occupational and speech therapists to work on the language, speech, and sensory needs of the individual.

She has been practicing in an aware community since she was a teenager, as she gets inspired by her parents, who had an older child with Down syndrome and have empowered all their children towards independence.

She has worked hard and has guided many families' admissions, therapeutic interventions, and roles in future aspects. She encourages people to walk step by step to an aware community and mainstream children with different capabilities.

Conditions We Treat

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition characterized by developmental delays in children. The condition is known to cause serious social, communication, and behavioral issues.

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Down Syndrome

The condition is caused by trisomy, a genetic anomaly that affects a child for life. It causes serious physical defects, impaired intellect, developmental delays, and behavioral problems.

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The condition is known to have a strong genetic component. It usually runs in families. This means a child with one parent having dyslexia is 30% to 50% more likely to inherit the condition.

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What Parents Say About Us

Jaspreet Kaur, Geeta Colony

My daughter Neha has been attending speech therapies at CTN for a year. The speech therapist is experienced and very helpful. She has helped my daughter grow immensely. Earlier, I couldn’t understand what Neha wanted to say when she tried to talk to me. After attending therapy, she talks in full sentences.

Khushi Verma, Shastri Nagar

“It has been just about 4 weeks since my niece attended speech therapy. In these four weeks, she has shown so much improvement. She loves our therapists so much and can’t do without them. I would highly recommend the Center for Child Therapies.”

Ritika Kapoor, Nirman Vihar

“I can’t help but thank the Child Therapy Needs Center for giving my child the opportunity to grow and excel. A special mention goes to the supportive and cheerful staff! I can see significant improvement in my daughter’s behavior in just a few months. Highly recommended for occupational therapy!”

Contact Us

Our postal address and contact details
Postal Address

13/22 1st Floor Geeta Colony New Delhi - 110031

Phone & E-mail

Phone: +91-99588 59218
Email: [email protected]

Business Hours

Monday – Saturday

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