Dyslexia Treatment in Delhi

Aastha Bhatia is an eminent specialist and special educator who is wholeheartedly devoted to helping dyslexic children by applying advanced and proven therapies.

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Dyslexia Treatment in Delhi

Aastha Bhatia is an eminent specialist and special educator who is wholeheartedly devoted to helping dyslexic children by applying advanced and proven therapies.

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What is Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a medical term used to define a learning disorder characterized by trouble faced by children reading resulting from problems identifying speech sounds and learning their connection with letters and words (decoding). The condition is also referred to as a reading disability caused by individual differences in areas of the brain responsible for processing language.

Dyslexia does not cause issues with intelligence, hearing, or vision. It is important to note that most children with dyslexia can excel in school with proper guidance and a specialized education program. Parents and peers should focus on providing emotional support to the child, which plays a crucial role in managing the condition.

Symptoms of Dyslexia

The signs of dyslexia can appear very early when the child attends preschool. If you think your child has dyslexia, it is suggested that you look for signs as soon as possible. Here are the signs and symptoms of dyslexia listed through different stages of an individual’s life:

The Preschool Years

  • Hereditary - A family history of reading and/or spelling difficulties (dyslexia often runs in families)
  • Doing “baby talk” consistently
  • Difficulty learning common nursery rhymes, such as “Jack and Jill”
  • Trouble learning (and remembering) the names of letters in the alphabet
  • Unable to recognize letters in his or her own name
  • Mispronounces familiar words
  • Unable to recognize rhyming patterns like cat, bat, or rat

Kindergarten & First Grade

  • Reading errors (reading without reading the exact word). For instance, the child may read a kitten as a cat on an illustrated page with a picture of a cat.
  • Difficulty understanding that words break
  • Constantly complains trouble reading books
  • The child complains about how words disappear as he starts to read
  • Hereditary (A history of reading problems in parents or siblings)
  • Unable to pronounce or read out even simple rhyming words like cat, map, and nap
  • Unable to associate letters with sounds, such as the letter p with the “p” sound

Second Grade through High School

  • Slow in developing reading skills. Reading is slow and awkward
  • Trouble reading unfamiliar words: in most cases, the child tries to answer by making wild guesses as he or she is unable to sound out the word
  • No strategy for reading new words
  • Constantly avoids reading out loud
  • Speaking
  • Does not name a specific object but refers to it as “stuff” or “thing”
  • Pauses, hesitates, and/or uses lots of “um’s” when speaking
  • Confusion in recognizing words sounding alike
  • Unable to pronounce long, unfamiliar, or complicated words
  • Very late response to questions
  • Trouble remembering dates, names, telephone numbers, or random lists
  • Unable to finish tests on time
  • Almost unable to learn a foreign language
  • Poor spelling
  • Messy handwriting

Young Adults & Adults

  • Poor Reading
  • Reading demands great effort and is done at a slow pace
  • Avoids reading
  • Slow reading of most materials
  • Avoids reading aloud
  • Lack of fluency and glibness
  • Constant use of “um’s” and imprecise language
  • Anxiety when speaking
  • Unable to correctly pronounce the names of people and places
  • Trouble remembering the names of people and places

Causes of Dyslexia

Although the exact cause of dyslexia is not clear, there are some clues that suggest how and why most cases occur:

Genetics: Dyslexia is primarily genetic and runs in families. A child with one or both parents with dyslexia is 30% to 50% more vulnerable to inheriting it. Certain genetic conditions, such as Down syndrome, may also cause dyslexia.

Differences in Brain Development: Dyslexia makes an individual neurodivergent (the brain develops or works differently than expected). As per research, it has been revealed that people with dyslexia have differences in brain structure, function, and chemistry.

Disruptions in Brain Development: Exposures to toxic substances, infections, and other events may affect fetal development, which adds to the risk of the development of dyslexia.

Risk Factors

  • Toxic exposures (Air and water pollution and exposure to heavy metals (like lead or manganese), nicotine, and certain chemicals used as flame retardants).
  • Growing up in households where reading is prohibited or the unavailability of reading material.
  • Restricted learning environment.

When to see a doctor

Once you observe signs causing suspicion about your child having dyslexia, such as late talking, learning new words slowly, or issues in forming words correctly (reversing sounds in words or confusing words that sound alike), head straight to a pediatrician without delay.

Complications in Dyslexia

Dyslexia may cause many issues in a child’s daily life, including the following:

Learning Challenges: Reading is a basic skill in most schools, which may become an issue for a child with dyslexia. Learning issues may lead to trouble keeping up with peers.

Social Issues: If left untreated, dyslexia may cause low self-esteem and behavioral problems. Most children may suffer from anxiety and aggression and do face withdrawal from their peers, parents, and teachers.

Issues for Grown Up: Children are unable to reach their reading and comprehending milestones, which prevent them from reaching their potential as adults and may have serious consequences for other spheres of their lives, such as education, social, and economic.

Children with dyslexia are more vulnerable to developing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and vice versa, this affects a child’s ability to give and retain attention. Many children develop hyperactivity and impulsive behavior, which makes it difficult to treat dyslexia.

Role of Parents of Dyslexic Child

Parents play a major role in a dyslexic child's life. What they can do is:

  • Address the problem early
  • Reward the child for accomplishing goals
  • Read aloud with the child
  • Set an example for reading
  • Work with the child's school
  • Encourage reading time

Treatment for Dyslexia in Delhi

There are certain compensatory strategies and therapies, when combined with professional educational support, that can help in diagnosing dyslexia. This treatment procedure is very helpful in developing reading and writing skills. Professionals also suggest a wide range of techniques and the use of technical aids to help in managing or mitigating the symptoms of dyslexia.

We conduct a detailed psycho-educational evaluation to assess the following listed areas:

  • Memory
  • Auditory and visual critical thinking
  • Language skills
  • Attention span
  • Abstract Reasoning
  • Visual-Motor Coordination
  • Problem-solving skills

The assessment is done according to the age of the child.

Auditory, Visual Discrimination and Classification

The results of the above-conducted test are analyzed in detail, based on which an intervention plan is designed and implemented by us. We also collaborate with the best doctors for consultations to ensure ample support for specially-abled kids.

Children diagnosed with dyslexia need special training. We do provide reinforced collateral training to these kids to help them improve their reading and spelling. Aastha Bhatia is an experienced educator with expertise in employing advanced and proven techniques specially customized for kids with dyslexia.

At Child Therapy Needs, we use techniques and therapies in addition to a comprehensive approach to treatment. We do employ a thorough diagnosis procedure to ensure accurate identification of coexisting conditions such as ADHD or autism. Many times, these conditions may accompany dyslexia. Our team of experienced and expert professionals is well-versed in various therapies, catering to the unique needs of children with multiple conditions. These professionals are supervised by the top pediatric neurologist in Delhi.


1. What early signs of dyslexia do I look for?

It may be a little difficult to diagnose dyslexia at an early age. The symptoms of this condition are usually observed when a child starts schooling. Some of the early signs that one can see in an affected child include:

  • Talking late
  • Slow learning of new words
  • Face issues with word formation
  • Unable to remember numbers
  • Faces trouble recognizing and naming colours
  • Unable to name letters
  • Faces trouble learning or reciting nursery rhymes

2. How can I help my child with dyslexia?

To start with, it is important to accept that your child has dyslexia, which will help you move on to the next crucial step: treatment. The treatment for dyslexia should start as early as possible to ensure a faster recovery. Here is how you can help your child manage symptoms and lead a better life:

  • Consult a doctor who specializes in treating dyslexia. Approach pediatrician or neurologist asap
  • Readout loud to your child (around the age of 6 months)
  • Read together as your child grows
  • Make your child listen to audio books
  • Coordinate with the school staff for monitoring his or her progress
  • Encourage reading by setting an example
  • Dedicating some hours to reading

3. My child has dyslexia. Will it lead to any issues or difficulties?

Yes. The child may face issues, depending on the severity of the condition. Some of the common issues are, but are not limited to:

  • Hyperactivity disorder
  • Study related issues such as trouble learning
  • Trouble leading a normal social life due to emotions such as anxiety, low self-esteem, loneliness, and aggression.
  • Trouble related to economic life as adults
  • Attention-deficit disorder
  • Impulsive behavior

4. What increases the risk of dyslexia?

The following factors will increase the individual’s overall risk of developing dyslexia:

  • Having a family history of dyslexia
  • Low weight at birth
  • Premature birth
  • Exposed to specific infection during pregnancy
  • Taking drugs, nicotine, or alcohol during pregnancy
  • Visible difference in parts of the brain affecting the reading and identifying ability. (can be found during tests)

Explore Therapies for Dyslexia Treatment

Special Education

Special education is aimed at supporting children with emotional, behavioral, or cognitive challenges. It can also help kids with disabilities related to vision, intellectual, hearing, speech, or learning.

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Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy involves the use of a special child-centered approach for assessing and treating a child’s functional skills and day-to-day activities.

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Early Intervention

Early intervention programs are devised under the guidance of trained professionals with relevant experience in extending the needed support to children and their families.

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Speech Therapy

Speech therapy involves providing guidance and adequate support to children with challenges in the areas of speech, communication, and language modalities.

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Other Conditions We Treat

Down Syndrome

We have special treatment options for children with Down syndrome to help improve their quality of life. The therapies prescribed by the treatment option have resulted in significant improvement among children in the age range of 2 to 17 years old.

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Autism Spectrum Disorder

We provide a wide range of treatment options and therapies aimed at assisting individuals with autism to lead a more productive and independent life. The services do include professional assistance for individuals to help them deal with autism.

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